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Girl Friday & Mandy Connell in Dunedin, NZ

Mandy Connell and Girl Friday have joined forces. They set out from Melbourne to New Zealand for this first ever joint tour to Aotearoa.

This show offers a set each with a few songs performed together. Girl Friday has style right out of the old jazz and blues world, bringing songs from her brand new album with a distinctive voice that will have you reaching for your loved ones. Between witty banter and a comfortable stage presence, you'll feel as if you've known her forever. 

Connell is a musicians musician, almost born to it and touring folk festivals within Australia and the UK for the past ten or 15 years. David Francey calls her 'One of my favourite trad voices anywhere' and her voice features on his 2016 CFMA winning album Empty Train- Eric Bogle and Paul Brady recommend catching her. You'll love this pair of writers - don't miss it. for more information.